My single line text
My single line text
My single line text
Carnet de voyage: "MANUALE DI VOLO"
COPENHAGEN, Lokomotivvaerkstedet April 5th -7th, 2019
Mai 5th, 2019
The words of an Eros Ramazzatti’s song gave me the opportunity to ask this question: “…to make to stop the horror can be enough love only ?”
… I tried to give an answer with my latest exhibition “MANUALE DI VOLO” (flight manual)…
… held at the Lokomotivvaerkstedet in Copenhagen
In Copenhagen I prepared an installation entitled “L’OSSERVATORE INTERNO” ("The Inside observer").  
The drawings are the representation of the emotions, of the feelings, of the humors that daily emerge in my mind. 
Reflecting on my feelings and on everything I feel, it has helped me and it helps me to understand who really I am. This releases me, little by little, from that conditionings that I have somehow suffered and don't belong to me.
“It’s enough a misunderstanding of a certain gravity and we immediately become insecure and we lose the ground beneath our feet. Because we were not worried about to build enough solid foundations.”
(Etty Hillesum)

Listening to what I feel, without prejudices or censorships…
… I have learned, with my times, to be myself, to perceive what it's me more kin and what's me more distant. This, from time to time, seems to show me a direction.
In the same time I have acquired conscience of me, I have grown stronger learning to face the different situations aware that these are as momentary clouds
When a person lives a traumatic experience, his soul, constituted by many parts, leaves back one of them. But it must be recovered to allow the reconstitution of his personal unity.
… and it's not with a molecule administered in determined concentrations as it's not distractedly listening to the stories that you can enter the depth of the human heart and you can extract the pains that more have marked it: only if this current of energy, that I called empathy or love, is established the process of recovery can start.  
If these conditions aren't verified, the thing doesn't work and the doors of the heart stay blocked.

People that, more sensitive and particular than others, don't accept the process of homologation and adaptation to the social rules imposed since the infancy also in family, mostly suffer from this situation and they feel, in more dramatic way, some sense of alienation from themselves.
Often, the sense of guilt to feel a wrong person because different and more sensitive is also added to this; so they are pervaded by a sense of insecurity that stops every possibility to establish relationships and any progress and personal development.
In the soul, motions of all the types take shape and that, especially in certain situations, the most painful feelings take over. Those feelings that education and current mentality would want that they were ignored, deleted. On the contrary, because they underline the everyone's difference from the image that the world would want, they represent the voice of the inwardness...
… these emotions are often detectors of needs asking for an answer…
… they are, in other cases, detectors of a process that potentially is ready to be triggered.
Many people still see the woman’s body as a property to own: suits, mutilating practices, …  
But what is possessed, imprisoned ? 
Is human being made of its body only ? 

“The source of all things must be life itself, never another person. Many people on the contrary – especially women – draw their own strength from something else. It is the man their source, not life. It seems to me an extremely distorted and artificial attitude”  
(Etty Hillesum) 

Every traumatic or difficult experience that a person crosses leaves a mark and pushes his essence to confine it more and more in the depth of the personality: the Coeur du Coeur, the most intimate place of the soul. Only a deep love gesture can allow to access that place and the opening of that door.
I believe the central point of this, that I define love, is the sincere attention that brings us to acknowledge the other. It's to give energy to take care of and to grow… to recover the inherent seed in every person so it can develop, can bloom and can scatter, in turn, its scent in the world enriching it. This because every being comes to the world to bring something. When a single person doesn't succeed in developing himself, he impoverishes the world since he deprived it of his personnel and unique contribution.
Desire is life.
But for many desire, to aim for something, as a consequence of the scarce love for themselves, it's not an important thing.  
For me, instead, it's fundamental, because it's, after all, to promote that desire of expansion, of growth, that is inherent us 

To know and love yourself are the presuppositions to love the others
To express desires is an important act…
… if we leave that things flow and if we set the correct attention,
our desires, if consistent with our growing process, often in unexpected ways, they come true.

Then amazement gathers you and at the same time a feeling pervades you: to be a part of everything…
… this feeling definitely sends away that sense of loneliness that makes you feel small and alone in struggle against the world.
The eagle, raising itself in the sky more than every other bird …
… has the ability to widen its vision and to gather the whole things.
The world, the universe, is much richer than our eyes allow us to see …
… and we have to live our entire life with everything it provides …
… to discover that, in the end,  
each one has his own path to follow and nobody can show you the way…  

… and there is no manual to follow, in spite of the title "MANUALE DI VOLO" (flight manual)
that I provocatively wanted to give to the show.

See you next appointment:
XII Florence Biennale 
October 18th  – 27th, 2019 
Fortezza da Basso
Florence, Italy