My single line text
My single line text
My single line text

It began with reflections following one of the many debates in Italy which periodically arise regarding the law regulating the voluntary termination of pregnancy (Act 194).  
In particular, given the complexity and sensitivity of an issue which inevitably touches ethical, social and religious aspects... issues of personal freedom and the very definition of life as well as the question of the existence of the soul, and rather than finding answers, several questions occurred to me.... 
... to what extent may the state, church, culture.... others.... interfere in a decision that could possibly be considered personal and intimate? 
... who gives anyone the right, no matter what title he bears, to decide in the place of someone else, excecpt the case he is not in the position to doing it? 
... how far may our strictly private sphere can be violated by others? In particular... where does our private sphere begin and where does the social sphere end? 
.... why that the drama experienced by the woman who intends to terminate the pregnancy, for reasons we will never know how to investigate fully, needs to be increased by the judgment and guilt feelings imposed by society? 
.... what harm does society suffer that the woman who goes through this experience has not already endured? 
... and, in particular, why do women's voices often take a back seat even when, as in this case, the issues directly affect the world of women?